Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Not Just Extra Skin

The part of the body that is removed during routine infant circumcision is called the foreskin.

According to David Llewellyn, an attorney that specializes in circumcision malpractice suits, during circumcisions, oftentimes skin from the shaft is also removed.  Because all individuals are different, a doctor performing a circumcision on a newborn can not know what size the penis will be in adulthood.  Therefore, taking off the "right" amount of skin is incredibly subjective.

I think it is fairly understandable why shaft skin is important.  However, what is the function of the foreskin? Is it really just extra? Nature's mistake?

The foreskin is a useful body part throughout a males life.  In babyhood, it serves as a protective organ, similar in some ways to an eyelid.  The head of the penis (the glans) is meant to be an internal organ. The foreskin covers the glans, and protects it and keeps it warm and moist.

The foreskin should NOT be retracted in infancy.  It is fused to the glans as a protective measure.  As the boy grows, anywhere from age 2 up until puberty, the foreskin will separate from the glans on its own.  Attempts to retract the foreskin before it retracts naturally will cause pain, adhesion's, and injury.  The most common reason for a boy needing a circumcision past infancy is a caregiver causing harm by forcibly retracting the skin.

More on protection. The foreskin is the first line of defense, protecting the rest of the penis from injury-abrasions, burns, etc.  The foreskin additionally keeps the surface soft and moist, and allows the glans to remain it's healthy red or purple color.  The penis is an "entry point" to the body, and the foreskin is protective in nature from allowing foreign organisms into the body. In infancy, the fusion of the foreskin to the glans guards against foreign bodies entering the urethra.

The foreskin is self cleaning, and is naturally clean. As sterile urine passes through the urethra, and then the foreskin, any foreign bodies that may have entered are flushed out naturally. The functions and self cleaning use of the foreskin is similar to the eye, which was designed to remain clean through fluid and mucous secretions.

The foreskin hold good bacteria in the body, similar to the functions of the mouth, nose, female genitals, and skin organ.  Good bacteria helps the body fight bad bacteria.

The foreskin has extensive sexual function, which increases pleasure both for the man and his partner.  It is self lubricating, reducing or eliminating the need for any artificial lubricants.  As I have promised not to be too explicit on this blog, I will not include pictures, or even a detailed description of the further sexual functions of the foreskin.  However, if you are interested in this, there are many articles, pictures, and not as explicit drawings that show the sexual functions of the foreskin. The only thing I WILL say about this aspect is that once again, God's design is amazing, and perfect.  It is my belief that He created sex, and created our bodies, and the anatomy that He created has purpose, both functional and pleasurable.

Now, in response to the above, I have heard and read many men and their partners state that they are circumcised and are able to be sexually active. Of course! The surgery would not have stuck around this long if that were not the case.  However, we can not know what we have never been given the opportunity to experience.  The sexual functions of the whole penis, as created, are vast, and can not be ignored. The majority of the world is left intact.

Another name for the foreskin is the prepuce, which is the same name given to the female clitoral hood. The clitoral hood provides the same functions for the female clitoris as it is designed to do for the penis.  Female circumcision removes the prepuce from a woman, and male circumcision removes the prepuce from a man.  The female prepuce and the male prepuce both contain thousands of nerve endings, and are one of the most sensitive body parts.

Interestingly enough, throughout history there have been a few cases of boys born without a foreskin, and it is considered a birth defect.  Being born WITH a foreskin is NOT a birth defect, nor is it a mistake.  The foreskin is a body part that has a purpose, and should not be removed routinely from the body.

(Note: I have numerous sources for this information, but the websites and journals contain graphic descriptions as well as pictures of both infant and adult genitals.  The information and pictures are medical in nature, but I understand some people are uncomfortable with it even then.  If you would like more information, you can find much of this information in articles and studies which can be found on the Internet.  I would be happy to point you to some legitimate ones if you are interested-feel free to contact me and I will send you the information privately)

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